Happy Boarding Day!

by Joyce Ferder Rankin
February 14, 2017

For the last 5 days I have been in New Zealand getting ready for the expedition. Christchurch is earthquake prone and the most recent devastating one in the town was Feb 22, 2011. Christchurch Cathedral suffered extreme damage as did much of the central business district and suburbs. And many lives were lost. Even after all this time there is still a lot of quake damage visible and re-building continues.

Birds flying

They are also suffering from a drought which was evident by the out of control wildfires I could see from my hotel window as well as the plane I took to Invercargill. Global warming reveals itself in many ways.

Kayakers near iceberg
three penguins

Many people have been sending me messages about the CBS NEWS reports from Antarctica. I did communicate quite heavily with them back in November and December. They told me that they felt there was no real story and asked for more information. I sent them (ok, not so smart) all the information on what I intended and why. The head of Evening News went quiet and wouldn’t return my phone calls and 60 Minutes said there was no hook. Imagine my surprise when I see a tweet the other day describing what they were doing “going to the most remote part of the world to report live” on the situation of climate change in Antarctica. Word for word…